Brand reputation and brand loyalty is far more important than singular product sales.
I’ll say it again for those in the back of the room: Brand reputation and brand loyalty is far more important than singular product sales.
I had a former colleague who was the lead for paid media and the company website once tell me, "I don't care what the content is, I just need some keywords so they click and hit a landing page" Then they produced reports showcasing the tremendous 'engagement' their $1M/month spend on paid media was generating.
What the paid media wasn't generating enough of were conversions.
There weren't enough conversions because the website was shallow, lacking brand storytelling to engage and convince the viewer to take further action or to convert current customers to brand loyalists.
Paid media needs to work in collaboration with authentic brand storytelling, both organic social and the website. Get people to your website through clever storytelling, and then give them quality information to keep them there and convert to your brand. Demonstrate the "why:" the value proposition and differentiators of your brand through engaging storytelling.
What that storytelling looks like depends on your brand, your target audience and the distribution platform. Connect and convert them to your brand first, your products second.
Need convincing? One word. Apple.
If Apple were to release an empty box called the iBox, brand loyalists would line up around the block all over the globe to be the first to get one. Apple content across all platforms is designed to create brand loyalty, not just sell any single product.
You should care what your content is and you should care whether your content is building brand loyalists or passive 'click throughs.'